
Deck System - Cards
Deck System, is a new system that make's a vocation possible to be played in another style.
Under the ring slot you will find the Deck Slot, able to equip Deck's.

There is 3 Decks: Bronze, Silver and Gold. The bronze Deck and Silver can be looted from any monster from Isle, then the Gold Deck can be looted from Wroldbosses, see The Isles - World Bosses tab to find a world boss to kill around the continent.

On The deck's, you can add any type of item, but the most important it's to add Cards, that you can loot from Monsters of The Isles or WorldBosses.
Each card, can give a bonus to the player or change the element of a spell when activated.
To activate a card, place the card on the Deck then right click on it, you can also use the talkaction !deck in order to see the cards that you have activated, in case you lost the card or deposited elsewhere. Each player can activate a maximum of 5 cards at same time.

Here a list of available Cards, there is Normal Cards and Legendary Cards. Cards can be upgraded using Essences Rare Essence, Epic Essence, Mythic or legendary, see the table.

See at final of the page, to see the Legendary Cards
Legendary Cards
Legendary Cards, can looted from Worldbosses, this cards only give's a bonus when they are Level 6.
Legendary Cards have 4 Tiers, Each Tier has 6 Levels, the bonus will be on the level 6 of each tier:

  • Exotic

  • Chaos

  • Abyssal

  • Ancestral

  • Each Tier, the bonus will take effect only on level 6. There is 1 Legendary Card per Vocation, that each card, when activated, only certains weapons can activate the bonus while attacking (Majority they are each weapon of level 55 above for each vocation).

    Upgrade of legendary cards:

    Legendary Cards Summon (Tested with 100% chance for the video) summon will change appareance on each tier.

    Erasmo Card
    Common Erasmo Card
    Vocation: Knights
    Bonus: Convert Exori to Earth Damage.
    Common Erasmo Card
    Obtention: Aeliana, Archon, Baalzebul, Lyrael, Nyxion, Oroniel, Sagittarius, Seraphiel.
    Loot chance: 1.8%.
    Rare Essence
    Use the Essence on the card to upgrade it on Rare Tier.
    Obtention: WorldBosses
    Can be Upgraded with Rare Essence.
    Obtention: World Bosses.
    Rare Erasmo Card
    Vocation: Knights
    Bonus: Convert Exori to Ice Damage.
    Rare Erasmo Card
    Obtention: Aeliana, Archon, Baalzebul, Lyrael, Nyxion, Oroniel, Sagittarius, Seraphiel.
    Loot chance: 1%.
    Epic Essence
    Use the Essence on the card to upgrade it on Epic Tier.
    Obtention: WorldBosses
    Can be Upgraded with Epic Essence.
    Obtention: World Bosses.
    Epic Erasmo Card
    Vocation: Knights
    Bonus: Convert Exori to Death Damage.
    Epic Erasmo Card
    Obtention: Upgrading.

    Mythic Essence
    Use the Essence on the card to upgrade it on Mythic Tier.
    Obtention: WorldBosses
    Can be Upgraded with Mythic Essence.
    Obtention: World Bosses.
    Mythic Erasmo Card
    Vocation: Knights
    Bonus: Convert Exori to Energy Damage.
    Mythic Erasmo Card
    Obtention: Upgrading.
    Last Tier.

    Demetar Card
    Common Demetar Card
    Vocation: Druid
    Bonus: Convert Exevo Tera Hur to Fire Damage.
    Common Demetar Card
    Obtention: Aeliana, Archon, Baalzebul, Lyrael, Nyxion, Oroniel, Sagittarius, Seraphiel.
    Loot chance: 1.8%.
    Rare Essence
    Use the Essence on the card to upgrade it on Rare Tier.
    Obtention: WorldBosses
    Can be Upgraded with Rare Essence.
    Obtention: World Bosses.
    Rare Demetar Card
    Vocation: Druid
    Bonus: Convert Exevo Tera Hur to Holy Damage.
    Rare Demetar Card
    Obtention: Aeliana, Archon, Baalzebul, Lyrael, Nyxion, Oroniel, Sagittarius, Seraphiel.
    Loot chance: 1%.
    Epic Essence
    Use the Essence on the card to upgrade it on Epic Tier.
    Obtention: WorldBosses
    Can be Upgraded with Epic Essence.
    Obtention: World Bosses.
    Epic Demetar Card
    Vocation: Druid
    Bonus: Convert Exevo Tera Hur to Death Damage.
    Epic Demetar Card
    Obtention: Upgrading.

    Mythic Essence
    Use the Essence on the card to upgrade it on Mythic Tier.
    Obtention: WorldBosses
    Can be Upgraded with Mythic Essence.
    Obtention: World Bosses.
    Mythic Demetar Card
    Vocation: Druid
    Bonus: Convert Exevo Tera Hur to Energy Damage.
    Mythic Demetar Card
    Obtention: Upgrading.
    Last Tier.

    Kaishuter Card
    Common Kaishuter Card
    Vocation: Sorcerer
    Bonus: Convert Exevo Vis Hur to Holy Damage.
    Common Kaishuter Card
    Obtention: Fangclaw, Lurskin, Scalebreaker, Slinkhide, Sludgejaw.
    Loot chance: 1.8%.
    Rare Essence
    Use the Essence on the card to upgrade it on Rare Tier.
    Obtention: WorldBosses
    Can be Upgraded with Rare Essence.
    Obtention: World Bosses.
    Rare Kaishuter Card
    Vocation: Sorcerer
    Bonus: Convert Exevo Vis Hur to Death Damage.
    Rare Kaishuter Card
    Obtention: Fangclaw, Lurskin, Scalebreaker, Slinkhide, Sludgejaw.
    Loot chance: 1%.
    Epic Essence
    Use the Essence on the card to upgrade it on Epic Tier.
    Obtention: WorldBosses
    Can be Upgraded with Epic Essence.
    Obtention: World Bosses.
    Epic Kaishuter Card
    Vocation: Sorcerer
    Bonus: Convert Exevo Vis Hur to Ice Damage.
    Epic Kaishuter Card
    Obtention: Upgrading.

    Mythic Essence
    Use the Essence on the card to upgrade it on Mythic Tier.
    Obtention: WorldBosses
    Can be Upgraded with Mythic Essence.
    Obtention: World Bosses.
    Mythic Kaishuter Card
    Vocation: Sorcerer
    Bonus: Convert Exevo Vis Hur to Drown Damage.
    Mythic Kaishuter Card
    Obtention: Upgrading.
    Last Tier.

    Enraged Chuo Card
    Common Enraged Chuo Card
    Vocation: Paladin
    Bonus: Convert Exevo Mas San to Fire Damage.
    Common Enraged Chuo Card
    Obtention: Fangclaw, Lurskin, Scalebreaker, Slinkhide, Sludgejaw.
    Loot chance: 1.8%.
    Rare Essence
    Use the Essence on the card to upgrade it on Rare Tier.
    Obtention: WorldBosses
    Can be Upgraded with Rare Essence.
    Obtention: World Bosses.
    Rare Enraged Chuo Card
    Vocation: Paladin
    Bonus: Convert Exevo Mas San to Ice Damage.
    Rare Enraged Chuo Card
    Obtention: Fangclaw, Lurskin, Scalebreaker, Slinkhide, Sludgejaw.
    Loot chance: 1%.
    Epic Essence
    Use the Essence on the card to upgrade it on Epic Tier.
    Obtention: WorldBosses
    Can be Upgraded with Epic Essence.
    Obtention: World Bosses.
    Epic Enraged Chuo Card
    Vocation: Paladin
    Bonus: Convert Exevo Mas San to Earth Damage.
    Epic Enraged Chuo Card
    Obtention: Upgrading.

    Mythic Essence
    Use the Essence on the card to upgrade it on Mythic Tier.
    Obtention: WorldBosses
    Can be Upgraded with Mythic Essence.
    Obtention: World Bosses.
    Mythic Enraged Chuo Card
    Vocation: Paladin
    Bonus: Convert Exevo Mas San to Death Damage.
    Mythic Enraged Chuo Card
    Obtention: Upgrading.
    Last Tier.

    Zaika Card
    Common Zaika Card
    Vocation: All
    Bonus: Convert Avalanche rune to Fire damage area.
    Common Zaika Card
    Obtention: Cinderclaw, Scaledrake.
    Loot chance: 1.8%.
    Rare Essence
    Use the Essence on the card to upgrade it on Rare Tier.
    Obtention: WorldBosses
    Can be Upgraded with Rare Essence.
    Obtention: World Bosses.
    Rare Zaika Card
    Vocation: All
    Bonus: Convert Avalanche rune to Earth damage area.
    Rare Zaika Card
    Obtention: Cinderclaw, Scaledrake.
    Loot chance: 1%.
    Epic Essence
    Use the Essence on the card to upgrade it on Epic Tier.
    Obtention: WorldBosses
    Can be Upgraded with Epic Essence.
    Obtention: World Bosses.
    Epic Zaika Card
    Vocation: All
    Bonus: Convert Avalanche rune to Energy damage area.
    Epic Zaika Card
    Obtention: Upgrading.

    Mythic Essence
    Use the Essence on the card to upgrade it on Mythic Tier.
    Obtention: WorldBosses
    Can be Upgraded with Mythic Essence.
    Obtention: World Bosses.
    Mythic Zaika Card
    Vocation: All
    Bonus: Convert Avalanche rune to Death damage area.
    Mythic Zaika Card
    Obtention: Upgrading.
    Last Tier.

    Rictus Card
    Common Rictus Card
    Vocation: Druid
    Bonus: Convert Exevo Gran Mas Frigo to Fire damage area.
    Common Rictus Card
    Obtention: Cinderclaw, Scaledrake.
    Loot chance: 1.8%.
    Rare Essence
    Use the Essence on the card to upgrade it on Rare Tier.
    Obtention: WorldBosses
    Can be Upgraded with Rare Essence.
    Obtention: World Bosses.
    Rare Rictus Card
    Vocation: Druid
    Bonus: Convert Exevo Gran Mas Frigo to Holy damage area.
    Rare Rictus Card
    Obtention: Cinderclaw, Scaledrake.
    Loot chance: 1%.
    Epic Essence
    Use the Essence on the card to upgrade it on Epic Tier.
    Obtention: WorldBosses
    Can be Upgraded with Epic Essence.
    Obtention: World Bosses.
    Epic Rictus Card
    Vocation: Druid
    Bonus: Convert Exevo Gran Mas Frigo to Death damage area.
    Epic Rictus Card
    Obtention: Upgrading.

    Mythic Essence
    Use the Essence on the card to upgrade it on Mythic Tier.
    Obtention: WorldBosses
    Can be Upgraded with Mythic Essence.
    Obtention: World Bosses.
    Mythic Rictus Card
    Vocation: Druid
    Bonus: Convert Exevo Gran Mas Frigo to Energy damage area.
    Mythic Rictus Card
    Obtention: Upgrading.
    Last Tier.

    Globus Card
    Common Globus Card
    Vocation: Sorcerer
    Bonus: Convert Exevo Gran Mas Vis to Holy damage area.
    Common Globus Card
    Obtention: Emerald Mage, Ruby Archer, Sapphire Warrior.
    Loot chance: 1.8%.
    Rare Essence
    Use the Essence on the card to upgrade it on Rare Tier.
    Obtention: WorldBosses
    Can be Upgraded with Rare Essence.
    Obtention: World Bosses.
    Rare Globus Card
    Vocation: Sorcerer
    Bonus: Convert Exevo Gran Mas Vis to Earth damage area.
    Rare Globus Card
    Obtention: Emerald Mage, Ruby Archer, Sapphire Warrior.
    Loot chance: 1%.
    Epic Essence
    Use the Essence on the card to upgrade it on Epic Tier.
    Obtention: WorldBosses
    Can be Upgraded with Epic Essence.
    Obtention: World Bosses.
    Epic Globus Card
    Vocation: Sorcerer
    Bonus: Convert Exevo Gran Mas Vis to Death damage area.
    Epic Globus Card
    Obtention: Upgrading.

    Mythic Essence
    Use the Essence on the card to upgrade it on Mythic Tier.
    Obtention: WorldBosses
    Can be Upgraded with Mythic Essence.
    Obtention: World Bosses.
    Mythic Globus Card
    Vocation: Sorcerer
    Bonus: Convert Exevo Gran Mas Vis to Ice damage area.
    Mythic Globus Card
    Obtention: Upgrading.
    Last Tier.

    Hidaka Card
    Common Hidaka Card
    Vocation: Knight
    Bonus: Convert Exori mas to Fire damage.
    Common Hidaka Card
    Obtention: Emerald Mage, Ruby Archer, Sapphire Warrior.
    Loot chance: 1.8%.
    Rare Essence
    Use the Essence on the card to upgrade it on Rare Tier.
    Obtention: WorldBosses
    Can be Upgraded with Rare Essence.
    Obtention: World Bosses.
    Rare Hidaka Card
    Vocation: Knight
    Bonus: Convert Exori mas to Earth damage.
    Rare Hidaka Card
    Obtention: Emerald Mage, Ruby Archer, Sapphire Warrior.
    Loot chance: 1%.
    Epic Essence
    Use the Essence on the card to upgrade it on Epic Tier.
    Obtention: WorldBosses
    Can be Upgraded with Epic Essence.
    Obtention: World Bosses.
    Epic Hidaka Card
    Vocation: Knight
    Bonus: Convert Exori mas to Ice damage.
    Epic Hidaka Card
    Obtention: Upgrading.

    Mythic Essence
    Use the Essence on the card to upgrade it on Mythic Tier.
    Obtention: WorldBosses
    Can be Upgraded with Mythic Essence.
    Obtention: World Bosses.
    Mythic Hidaka Card
    Vocation: Knight
    Bonus: Convert Exori mas to Death damage.
    Mythic Hidaka Card
    Obtention: Upgrading.
    Last Tier.

    Brelshaza Card
    Common Brelshaza Card
    Vocation: Knight
    Bonus: Increase Utito Tempo with Minor Bonus.
    Common Brelshaza Card
    Obtention: Bonecleaver, Fleshcarver, Fleshrend, Mauler.
    Loot chance: 1.8%.
    Rare Essence
    Use the Essence on the card to upgrade it on Rare Tier.
    Obtention: WorldBosses
    Can be Upgraded with Rare Essence.
    Obtention: World Bosses.
    Rare Brelshaza Card
    Vocation: Knight
    Bonus: Increase Utito Tempo with Major Bonus.
    Rare Brelshaza Card
    Obtention: Bonecleaver, Fleshcarver, Fleshrend, Mauler.
    Loot chance: 1%.
    Epic Essence
    Use the Essence on the card to upgrade it on Epic Tier.
    Obtention: WorldBosses
    Can be Upgraded with Epic Essence.
    Obtention: World Bosses.
    Epic Brelshaza Card
    Vocation: Knight
    Bonus: Increase Utito Tempo with Intense Bonus.
    Epic Brelshaza Card
    Obtention: Upgrading.

    Mythic Essence
    Use the Essence on the card to upgrade it on Mythic Tier.
    Obtention: WorldBosses
    Can be Upgraded with Mythic Essence.
    Obtention: World Bosses.
    Mythic Brelshaza Card
    Vocation: Knight
    Bonus: Increase Utito Tempo with Powerful Bonus.
    Mythic Brelshaza Card
    Obtention: Upgrading.
    Last Tier.

    Vairgrys Card
    Common Vairgrys Card
    Vocation: Sorcerer
    Bonus: Convert Exevo Gran Flam Hur to Ice Damage.
    Common Vairgrys Card
    Obtention: Bonecleaver, Fleshcarver, Fleshrend, Mauler.
    Loot chance: 1.8%.
    Rare Essence
    Use the Essence on the card to upgrade it on Rare Tier.
    Obtention: WorldBosses
    Can be Upgraded with Rare Essence.
    Obtention: World Bosses.
    Rare Vairgrys Card
    Vocation: Sorcerer
    Bonus: Convert Exevo Gran Flam Hur to Holy Damage.
    Rare Vairgrys Card
    Obtention: Bonecleaver, Fleshcarver, Fleshrend, Mauler.
    Loot chance: 1%.
    Epic Essence
    Use the Essence on the card to upgrade it on Epic Tier.
    Obtention: WorldBosses
    Can be Upgraded with Epic Essence.
    Obtention: World Bosses.
    Epic Vairgrys Card
    Vocation: Sorcerer
    Bonus: Convert Exevo Gran Flam Hur to Death Damage.
    Epic Vairgrys Card
    Obtention: Upgrading.

    Mythic Essence
    Use the Essence on the card to upgrade it on Mythic Tier.
    Obtention: WorldBosses
    Can be Upgraded with Mythic Essence.
    Obtention: World Bosses.
    Mythic Vairgrys Card
    Vocation: Sorcerer
    Bonus: Convert Exevo Gran Flam Hur to Energy Damage.
    Mythic Vairgrys Card
    Obtention: Upgrading.
    Last Tier.

    Enviska Card
    Common Enviska Card
    Vocation: Druid
    Bonus: Convert Exevo Gran Frigo Hur to Fire Damage.
    Common Enviska Card
    Obtention: Grothar, Grugnor, Krag'lok, Krulmash, Mok'gosh, Thokkar.
    Loot chance: 1.8%.
    Rare Essence
    Use the Essence on the card to upgrade it on Rare Tier.
    Obtention: WorldBosses
    Can be Upgraded with Rare Essence.
    Obtention: World Bosses.
    Rare Enviska Card
    Vocation: Druid
    Bonus: Convert Exevo Gran Frigo Hur to Holy Damage.
    Rare Enviska Card
    Obtention: Grothar, Grugnor, Krag'lok, Krulmash, Mok'gosh, Thokkar.
    Loot chance: 1%.
    Epic Essence
    Use the Essence on the card to upgrade it on Epic Tier.
    Obtention: WorldBosses
    Can be Upgraded with Epic Essence.
    Obtention: World Bosses.
    Epic Enviska Card
    Vocation: Druid
    Bonus: Convert Exevo Gran Frigo Hur to Death Damage.
    Epic Enviska Card
    Obtention: Upgrading.

    Mythic Essence
    Use the Essence on the card to upgrade it on Mythic Tier.
    Obtention: WorldBosses
    Can be Upgraded with Mythic Essence.
    Obtention: World Bosses.
    Mythic Enviska Card
    Vocation: Druid
    Bonus: Convert Exevo Gran Frigo Hur to Energy Damage.
    Mythic Enviska Card
    Obtention: Upgrading.
    Last Tier.

    Harzal Card
    Common Harzal Card
    Vocation: Sorcerer, Druid, Paladin
    Bonus: Increase Exura Gran with a Minor Bonus.
    Common Harzal Card
    Obtention: Grothar, Grugnor, Krag'lok, Krulmash, Mok'gosh, Thokkar.
    Loot chance: 1.8%.
    Rare Essence
    Use the Essence on the card to upgrade it on Rare Tier.
    Obtention: WorldBosses
    Can be Upgraded with Rare Essence.
    Obtention: World Bosses.
    Rare Harzal Card
    Vocation: Sorcerer, Druid, Paladin
    Bonus: Increase Exura Gran with a Major Bonus.
    Rare Harzal Card
    Obtention: Grothar, Grugnor, Krag'lok, Krulmash, Mok'gosh, Thokkar.
    Loot chance: 1%.
    Epic Essence
    Use the Essence on the card to upgrade it on Epic Tier.
    Obtention: WorldBosses
    Can be Upgraded with Epic Essence.
    Obtention: World Bosses.
    Epic Harzal Card
    Vocation: Sorcerer, Druid, Paladin
    Bonus: Increase Exura Gran with a Intense Bonus.
    Epic Harzal Card
    Obtention: Upgrading.

    Mythic Essence
    Use the Essence on the card to upgrade it on Mythic Tier.
    Obtention: WorldBosses
    Can be Upgraded with Mythic Essence.
    Obtention: World Bosses.
    Mythic Harzal Card
    Vocation: Sorcerer, Druid, Paladin
    Bonus: Increase Exura Gran with a Powerful Bonus.
    Mythic Harzal Card
    Obtention: Upgrading.
    Last Tier.

    Agaton Card
    Common Agaton Card
    Vocation: Paladin
    Bonus: Converts Exori San to Fire Damage.
    Common Agaton Card
    Obtention: Blackblade, Blightbearer, Gorthak, Malevolent, Shadowreaper, Urzog.
    Loot chance: 1.8%.
    Rare Essence
    Use the Essence on the card to upgrade it on Rare Tier.
    Obtention: WorldBosses
    Can be Upgraded with Rare Essence.
    Obtention: World Bosses.
    Rare Agaton Card
    Vocation: Paladin
    Bonus: Converts Exori San to Earth Damage.
    Rare Agaton Card
    Obtention: Blackblade, Blightbearer, Gorthak, Malevolent, Shadowreaper, Urzog.
    Loot chance: 1%.
    Epic Essence
    Use the Essence on the card to upgrade it on Epic Tier.
    Obtention: WorldBosses
    Can be Upgraded with Epic Essence.
    Obtention: World Bosses.
    Epic Agaton Card
    Vocation: Paladin
    Bonus: Converts Exori San to Death Damage.
    Epic Agaton Card
    Obtention: Upgrading.

    Mythic Essence
    Use the Essence on the card to upgrade it on Mythic Tier.
    Obtention: WorldBosses
    Can be Upgraded with Mythic Essence.
    Obtention: World Bosses.
    Mythic Agaton Card
    Vocation: Paladin
    Bonus: Converts Exori San to Energy Damage.
    Mythic Agaton Card
    Obtention: Upgrading.
    Last Tier.

    Lumerus Card
    Common Lumerus Card
    Vocation: Knight
    Bonus: Minor Increase Distance of Exeta Res.
    Common Lumerus Card
    Obtention: Blackblade, Blightbearer, Gorthak, Malevolent, Shadowreaper, Urzog.
    Loot chance: 1.8%.
    Rare Essence
    Use the Essence on the card to upgrade it on Rare Tier.
    Obtention: WorldBosses
    Can be Upgraded with Rare Essence.
    Obtention: World Bosses.
    Rare Lumerus Card
    Vocation: Knight
    Bonus: Major Increase Distance of Exeta Res.
    Rare Lumerus Card
    Obtention: Blackblade, Blightbearer, Gorthak, Malevolent, Shadowreaper, Urzog.
    Loot chance: 1%.
    Epic Essence
    Use the Essence on the card to upgrade it on Epic Tier.
    Obtention: WorldBosses
    Can be Upgraded with Epic Essence.
    Obtention: World Bosses.
    Epic Lumerus Card
    Vocation: Knight
    Bonus: Intense Increase Distance of Exeta Res.
    Epic Lumerus Card
    Obtention: Upgrading.

    Mythic Essence
    Use the Essence on the card to upgrade it on Mythic Tier.
    Obtention: WorldBosses
    Can be Upgraded with Mythic Essence.
    Obtention: World Bosses.
    Mythic Lumerus Card
    Vocation: Knight
    Bonus: Powerful Increase Distance of Exeta Res.
    Mythic Lumerus Card
    Obtention: Upgrading.
    Last Tier.

    Velganos Card
    Common Velganos Card
    Vocation: Paladin
    Bonus: Increase Utito Tempo San with a Minor Bonus.
    Common Velganos Card
    Obtention: Bonelich, Deathrattle, Doombone, Grimbone, Shadow Reaper, Skullshade, Tombwraith.
    Loot chance: 1.8%.
    Rare Essence
    Use the Essence on the card to upgrade it on Rare Tier.
    Obtention: WorldBosses
    Can be Upgraded with Rare Essence.
    Obtention: World Bosses.
    Rare Velganos Card
    Vocation: Paladin
    Bonus: Increase Utito Tempo San with a Major Bonus.
    Rare Velganos Card
    Obtention: Bonelich, Deathrattle, Doombone, Grimbone, Shadow Reaper, Skullshade, Tombwraith.
    Loot chance: 1%.
    Epic Essence
    Use the Essence on the card to upgrade it on Epic Tier.
    Obtention: WorldBosses
    Can be Upgraded with Epic Essence.
    Obtention: World Bosses.
    Epic Velganos Card
    Vocation: Paladin
    Bonus: Increase Utito Tempo San with a Intense Bonus.
    Epic Velganos Card
    Obtention: Upgrading.

    Mythic Essence
    Use the Essence on the card to upgrade it on Mythic Tier.
    Obtention: WorldBosses
    Can be Upgraded with Mythic Essence.
    Obtention: World Bosses.
    Mythic Velganos Card
    Vocation: Paladin
    Bonus: Increase Utito Tempo San with a Powerful Bonus.
    Mythic Velganos Card
    Obtention: Upgrading.
    Last Tier.

    Legendary Exotic Ascalon Card - Sorcerer
    Legendary Exotic Ascalon Card Lv1
    Vocation: Sorcerer
    Bonus at Level 6: 2% Chance to Summon Monster that Fight's with you for 25 seconds and increase magic level by 3.
    Legendary Exotic Ascalon Card Lv1
    Obtention: Worldbosses.
    Loot chance: 1%.
    Legendary Exotic Essence
    Use the Legendary Essence on the card to upgrade it on the next Level Tier.
    Obtention: WorldBosses

    Can be Upgraded with Legendary Exotic Essence.
    Obtention: World Bosses.
    Legendary Exotic Ascalon Card Lv2
    Vocation: Sorcerer
    Bonus at Level 6: 2% Chance to Summon Monster that Fight's with you for 25 seconds and increase magic level by 3.
    Legendary Exotic Ascalon Card Lv2
    Obtention: Upgrade.
    Use Legendary Exotic Essence to upgrade the card.
    Legendary Exotic Essence
    Use the Legendary Essence on the card to upgrade it on the next Level Tier.
    Obtention: WorldBosses
    Can be Upgraded with Legendary Exotic Essence.
    Obtention: World Bosses.
    Legendary Exotic Ascalon Card Lv3
    Vocation: Sorcerer
    Bonus at Level 6: 2% Chance to Summon Monster that Fight's with you for 25 seconds and increase magic level by 3.
    Legendary Exotic Ascalon Card Lv3
    Obtention: Upgrade.
    Use Legendary Exotic Essence to upgrade the card.
    Legendary Exotic Essence
    Use the Legendary Essence on the card to upgrade it on the next Level Tier.
    Obtention: WorldBosses
    Can be Upgraded with Legendary Exotic Essence.
    Obtention: World Bosses.
    Legendary Exotic Ascalon Card Lv4
    Vocation: Sorcerer
    Bonus at Level 6: 2% Chance to Summon Monster that Fight's with you for 25 seconds and increase magic level by 3.
    Legendary Exotic Ascalon Card Lv4
    Obtention: Upgrade.
    Use Legendary Exotic Essence to upgrade the card.
    Legendary Exotic Essence
    Use the Legendary Essence on the card to upgrade it on the next Level Tier.
    Obtention: WorldBosses
    Can be Upgraded with Legendary Exotic Essence.
    Obtention: World Bosses.
    Legendary Exotic Ascalon Card Lv5
    Vocation: Sorcerer
    Bonus at Level 6: 2% Chance to Summon Monster that Fight's with you for 25 seconds and increase magic level by 3.
    Legendary Exotic Ascalon Card Lv5
    Obtention: Upgrade.
    Use Legendary Exotic Essence to upgrade the card.
    Legendary Exotic Essence
    Use the Legendary Essence on the card to upgrade it on the next Level Tier.
    Obtention: WorldBosses
    Can be Upgraded with Legendary Exotic Essence.
    Obtention: World Bosses.
    Legendary Exotic Ascalon Card Lv6
    Vocation: Sorcerer
    Bonus: 2% Chance to Summon Monster that Fight's with you for 25 seconds and increase magic level by 3.
    Legendary Exotic Ascalon Card Lv6
    Obtention: Upgrade.
    Bonus: 2% Chance to summon a monster that fight's with you during 25 seconds and increase magic level by 3.
    Legendary Chaos Ascalon Card - Sorcerer
    Legendary Chaos Ascalon Card Lv1
    Vocation: Sorcerer
    Bonus at Level 6: 3% Chance to Summon Monster that Fight's with you for 45 seconds and increase magic level by 6.
    Legendary Chaos Ascalon Card Lv1
    Obtention: Worldbosses.
    Loot chance: 0.9%.
    Legendary Chaos Essence
    Use the Legendary Essence on the card to upgrade it on the next Level Tier.
    Obtention: WorldBosses

    Can be Upgraded with Legendary Chaos Essence.
    Obtention: World Bosses.
    Legendary Chaos Ascalon Card Lv2
    Vocation: Sorcerer
    Bonus at Level 6: 3% Chance to Summon Monster that Fight's with you for 45 seconds and increase magic level by 6.
    Legendary Chaos Ascalon Card Lv2
    Obtention: Upgrade.
    Use Legendary Chaos Essence to upgrade the card.
    Legendary Chaos Essence
    Use the Legendary Essence on the card to upgrade it on the next Level Tier.
    Obtention: WorldBosses
    Can be Upgraded with Legendary Chaos Essence.
    Obtention: World Bosses.
    Legendary Chaos Ascalon Card Lv3
    Vocation: Sorcerer
    Bonus at Level 6: 3% Chance to Summon Monster that Fight's with you for 45 seconds and increase magic level by 6.
    Legendary Chaos Ascalon Card Lv3
    Obtention: Upgrade.
    Use Legendary Chaos Essence to upgrade the card.
    Legendary Chaos Essence
    Use the Legendary Essence on the card to upgrade it on the next Level Tier.
    Obtention: WorldBosses
    Can be Upgraded with Legendary Chaos Essence.
    Obtention: World Bosses.
    Legendary Chaos Ascalon Card Lv4
    Vocation: Sorcerer
    Bonus at Level 6: 3% Chance to Summon Monster that Fight's with you for 45 seconds and increase magic level by 6.
    Legendary Chaos Ascalon Card Lv4
    Obtention: Upgrade.
    Use Legendary Chaos Essence to upgrade the card.
    Legendary Chaos Essence
    Use the Legendary Essence on the card to upgrade it on the next Level Tier.
    Obtention: WorldBosses
    Can be Upgraded with Legendary Chaos Essence.
    Obtention: World Bosses.
    Legendary Chaos Ascalon Card Lv5
    Vocation: Sorcerer
    Bonus at Level 6: 3% Chance to Summon Monster that Fight's with you for 45 seconds and increase magic level by 6.
    Legendary Chaos Ascalon Card Lv5
    Obtention: Upgrade.
    Use Legendary Chaos Essence to upgrade the card.
    Legendary Chaos Essence
    Use the Legendary Essence on the card to upgrade it on the next Level Tier.
    Obtention: WorldBosses
    Can be Upgraded with Legendary Chaos Essence.
    Obtention: World Bosses.
    Legendary Chaos Ascalon Card Lv6
    Vocation: Sorcerer
    Bonus at Level 6: 3% Chance to Summon Monster that Fight's with you for 45 seconds and increase magic level by 6.
    Legendary Chaos Ascalon Card Lv6
    Obtention: Upgrade.
    Bonus: 3% Chance to summon a monster that fight's with you during 45 seconds and increase magic level by 6.
    Legendary Abyssal Ascalon Card - Sorcerer
    Legendary Abyssal Ascalon Card Lv1
    Vocation: Sorcerer
    Bonus at Level 6: 4% Chance to Summon Monster that Fight's with you for 65 seconds and increase magic level by 9.
    Legendary Abyssal Ascalon Card Lv1
    Obtention: Worldbosses.
    Loot chance: 0.8%.
    Legendary Abyssal Essence
    Use the Legendary Essence on the card to upgrade it on the next Level Tier.
    Obtention: WorldBosses

    Can be Upgraded with Legendary Abyssal Essence.
    Obtention: World Bosses.
    Legendary Abyssal Ascalon Card Lv2
    Vocation: Sorcerer
    Bonus at Level 6: 4% Chance to Summon Monster that Fight's with you for 65 seconds and increase magic level by 9.
    Legendary Abyssal Ascalon Card Lv2
    Obtention: Upgrade.
    Use Legendary Abyssal Essence to upgrade the card.
    Legendary Abyssal Essence
    Use the Legendary Essence on the card to upgrade it on the next Level Tier.
    Obtention: WorldBosses
    Can be Upgraded with Legendary Abyssal Essence.
    Obtention: World Bosses.
    Legendary Abyssal Ascalon Card Lv3
    Vocation: Sorcerer
    Bonus at Level 6: 4% Chance to Summon Monster that Fight's with you for 65 seconds and increase magic level by 9.
    Legendary Abyssal Ascalon Card Lv3
    Obtention: Upgrade.
    Use Legendary Abyssal Essence to upgrade the card.
    Legendary Abyssal Essence
    Use the Legendary Essence on the card to upgrade it on the next Level Tier.
    Obtention: WorldBosses
    Can be Upgraded with Legendary Abyssal Essence.
    Obtention: World Bosses.
    Legendary Abyssal Ascalon Card Lv4
    Vocation: Sorcerer
    Bonus at Level 6: 4% Chance to Summon Monster that Fight's with you for 65 seconds and increase magic level by 9.
    Legendary Abyssal Ascalon Card Lv4
    Obtention: Upgrade.
    Use Legendary Abyssal Essence to upgrade the card.
    Legendary Abyssal Essence
    Use the Legendary Essence on the card to upgrade it on the next Level Tier.
    Obtention: WorldBosses
    Can be Upgraded with Legendary Abyssal Essence.
    Obtention: World Bosses.
    Legendary Abyssal Ascalon Card Lv5
    Vocation: Sorcerer
    Bonus at Level 6: 4% Chance to Summon Monster that Fight's with you for 65 seconds and increase magic level by 9.
    Legendary Abyssal Ascalon Card Lv5
    Obtention: Upgrade.
    Use Legendary Abyssal Essence to upgrade the card.
    Legendary Abyssal Essence
    Use the Legendary Essence on the card to upgrade it on the next Level Tier.
    Obtention: WorldBosses
    Can be Upgraded with Legendary Abyssal Essence.
    Obtention: World Bosses.
    Legendary Abyssal Ascalon Card Lv6
    Vocation: Sorcerer
    Bonus at Level 6: 4% Chance to Summon Monster that Fight's with you for 65 seconds and increase magic level by 9.
    Legendary Abyssal Ascalon Card Lv6
    Obtention: Upgrade.
    Bonus: 4% Chance to summon a monster that fight's with you during 65 seconds and increase magic level by 9.
    Legendary Ancestral Ascalon Card - Sorcerer
    Legendary Ancestral Ascalon Card Lv1
    Vocation: Sorcerer
    Bonus at Level 6: 5% Chance to Summon Monster that Fight's with you for 90 seconds and increase magic level by 15.
    Legendary Ancestral Ascalon Card Lv1
    Obtention: Worldbosses.
    Loot chance: 0.7%.
    Legendary Ancestral Essence
    Use the Legendary Essence on the card to upgrade it on the next Level Tier.
    Obtention: WorldBosses

    Can be Upgraded with Legendary Ancestral Essence.
    Obtention: World Bosses.
    Legendary Ancestral Ascalon Card Lv2
    Vocation: Sorcerer
    Bonus at Level 6: 5% Chance to Summon Monster that Fight's with you for 90 seconds and increase magic level by 15.
    Legendary Ancestral Ascalon Card Lv2
    Obtention: Upgrade.
    Use Legendary Ancestral Essence to upgrade the card.
    Legendary Ancestral Essence
    Use the Legendary Essence on the card to upgrade it on the next Level Tier.
    Obtention: WorldBosses
    Can be Upgraded with Legendary Ancestral Essence.
    Obtention: World Bosses.
    Legendary Ancestral Ascalon Card Lv3
    Vocation: Sorcerer
    Bonus at Level 6: 5% Chance to Summon Monster that Fight's with you for 90 seconds and increase magic level by 15.
    Legendary Ancestral Ascalon Card Lv3
    Obtention: Upgrade.
    Use Legendary Ancestral Essence to upgrade the card.
    Legendary Ancestral Essence
    Use the Legendary Essence on the card to upgrade it on the next Level Tier.
    Obtention: WorldBosses
    Can be Upgraded with Legendary Ancestral Essence.
    Obtention: World Bosses.
    Legendary Ancestral Ascalon Card Lv4
    Vocation: Sorcerer
    Bonus at Level 6: 5% Chance to Summon Monster that Fight's with you for 90 seconds and increase magic level by 15.
    Legendary Ancestral Ascalon Card Lv4
    Obtention: Upgrade.
    Use Legendary Ancestral Essence to upgrade the card.
    Legendary Ancestral Essence
    Use the Legendary Essence on the card to upgrade it on the next Level Tier.
    Obtention: WorldBosses
    Can be Upgraded with Legendary Ancestral Essence.
    Obtention: World Bosses.
    Legendary Ancestral Ascalon Card Lv5
    Vocation: Sorcerer
    Bonus at Level 6: 5% Chance to Summon Monster that Fight's with you for 90 seconds and increase magic level by 15.
    Legendary Ancestral Ascalon Card Lv5
    Obtention: Upgrade.
    Use Legendary Ancestral Essence to upgrade the card.
    Legendary Ancestral Essence
    Use the Legendary Essence on the card to upgrade it on the next Level Tier.
    Obtention: WorldBosses
    Can be Upgraded with Legendary Ancestral Essence.
    Obtention: World Bosses.
    Legendary Ancestral Ascalon Card Lv6
    Vocation: Sorcerer
    Bonus at Level 6: 5% Chance to Summon Monster that Fight's with you for 90 seconds and increase magic level by 15.
    Legendary Ancestral Ascalon Card Lv6
    Obtention: Upgrade.
    Bonus: 5% Chance to summon a monster that fight's with you during 90 seconds and increase magic level by 15.
    Legendary Exotic Saydon Card - Druids
    Legendary Exotic Saydon Card Lv1
    Vocation: Druids
    Bonus at Level 6: 2% Chance to Summon Monster that Fight's with you for 25 seconds and increase magic level by 3.
    Legendary Exotic Saydon Card Lv1
    Obtention: Worldbosses.
    Loot chance: 1%.
    Legendary Exotic Essence
    Use the Legendary Essence on the card to upgrade it on the next Level Tier.
    Obtention: WorldBosses

    Can be Upgraded with Legendary Exotic Essence.
    Obtention: World Bosses.
    Legendary Exotic Saydon Card Lv2
    Vocation: Druids
    Bonus at Level 6: 2% Chance to Summon Monster that Fight's with you for 25 seconds and increase magic level by 3.
    Legendary Exotic Saydon Card Lv2
    Obtention: Upgrade.
    Use Legendary Exotic Essence to upgrade the card.
    Legendary Exotic Essence
    Use the Legendary Essence on the card to upgrade it on the next Level Tier.
    Obtention: WorldBosses
    Can be Upgraded with Legendary Exotic Essence.
    Obtention: World Bosses.
    Legendary Exotic Saydon Card Lv3
    Vocation: Druids
    Bonus at Level 6: 2% Chance to Summon Monster that Fight's with you for 25 seconds and increase magic level by 3.
    Legendary Exotic Saydon Card Lv3
    Obtention: Upgrade.
    Use Legendary Exotic Essence to upgrade the card.
    Legendary Exotic Essence
    Use the Legendary Essence on the card to upgrade it on the next Level Tier.
    Obtention: WorldBosses
    Can be Upgraded with Legendary Exotic Essence.
    Obtention: World Bosses.
    Legendary Exotic Saydon Card Lv4
    Vocation: Druids
    Bonus at Level 6: 2% Chance to Summon Monster that Fight's with you for 25 seconds and increase magic level by 3.
    Legendary Exotic Saydon Card Lv4
    Obtention: Upgrade.
    Use Legendary Exotic Essence to upgrade the card.
    Legendary Exotic Essence
    Use the Legendary Essence on the card to upgrade it on the next Level Tier.
    Obtention: WorldBosses
    Can be Upgraded with Legendary Exotic Essence.
    Obtention: World Bosses.
    Legendary Exotic Saydon Card Lv5
    Vocation: Druids
    Bonus at Level 6: 2% Chance to Summon Monster that Fight's with you for 25 seconds and increase magic level by 3.
    Legendary Exotic Saydon Card Lv5
    Obtention: Upgrade.
    Use Legendary Exotic Essence to upgrade the card.
    Legendary Exotic Essence
    Use the Legendary Essence on the card to upgrade it on the next Level Tier.
    Obtention: WorldBosses
    Can be Upgraded with Legendary Exotic Essence.
    Obtention: World Bosses.
    Legendary Exotic Saydon Card Lv6
    Vocation: Druids
    Bonus: 2% Chance to Summon Monster that Fight's with you for 25 seconds and increase magic level by 3.
    Legendary Exotic Saydon Card Lv6
    Obtention: Upgrade.
    Bonus: 2% Chance to summon a monster that fight's with you during 25 seconds and increase magic level by 3.
    Legendary Chaos Saydon Card - Druids
    Legendary Chaos Saydon Card Lv1
    Vocation: Druids
    Bonus at Level 6: 3% Chance to Summon Monster that Fight's with you for 45 seconds and increase magic level by 6.
    Legendary Chaos Saydon Card Lv1
    Obtention: Worldbosses.
    Loot chance: 0.9%.
    Legendary Chaos Essence
    Use the Legendary Essence on the card to upgrade it on the next Level Tier.
    Obtention: WorldBosses

    Can be Upgraded with Legendary Chaos Essence.
    Obtention: World Bosses.
    Legendary Chaos Saydon Card Lv2
    Vocation: Druids
    Bonus at Level 6: 3% Chance to Summon Monster that Fight's with you for 45 seconds and increase magic level by 6.
    Legendary Chaos Saydon Card Lv2
    Obtention: Upgrade.
    Use Legendary Chaos Essence to upgrade the card.
    Legendary Chaos Essence
    Use the Legendary Essence on the card to upgrade it on the next Level Tier.
    Obtention: WorldBosses
    Can be Upgraded with Legendary Chaos Essence.
    Obtention: World Bosses.
    Legendary Chaos Saydon Card Lv3
    Vocation: Druids
    Bonus at Level 6: 3% Chance to Summon Monster that Fight's with you for 45 seconds and increase magic level by 6.
    Legendary Chaos Saydon Card Lv3
    Obtention: Upgrade.
    Use Legendary Chaos Essence to upgrade the card.
    Legendary Chaos Essence
    Use the Legendary Essence on the card to upgrade it on the next Level Tier.
    Obtention: WorldBosses
    Can be Upgraded with Legendary Chaos Essence.
    Obtention: World Bosses.
    Legendary Chaos Saydon Card Lv4
    Vocation: Druids
    Bonus at Level 6: 3% Chance to Summon Monster that Fight's with you for 45 seconds and increase magic level by 6.
    Legendary Chaos Saydon Card Lv4
    Obtention: Upgrade.
    Use Legendary Chaos Essence to upgrade the card.
    Legendary Chaos Essence
    Use the Legendary Essence on the card to upgrade it on the next Level Tier.
    Obtention: WorldBosses
    Can be Upgraded with Legendary Chaos Essence.
    Obtention: World Bosses.
    Legendary Chaos Saydon Card Lv5
    Vocation: Druids
    Bonus at Level 6: 3% Chance to Summon Monster that Fight's with you for 45 seconds and increase magic level by 6.
    Legendary Chaos Saydon Card Lv5
    Obtention: Upgrade.
    Use Legendary Chaos Essence to upgrade the card.
    Legendary Chaos Essence
    Use the Legendary Essence on the card to upgrade it on the next Level Tier.
    Obtention: WorldBosses
    Can be Upgraded with Legendary Chaos Essence.
    Obtention: World Bosses.
    Legendary Chaos Saydon Card Lv6
    Vocation: Druids
    Bonus at Level 6: 3% Chance to Summon Monster that Fight's with you for 45 seconds and increase magic level by 6.
    Legendary Chaos Saydon Card Lv6
    Obtention: Upgrade.
    Bonus: 3% Chance to summon a monster that fight's with you during 45 seconds and increase magic level by 6.
    Legendary Abyssal Saydon Card - Druids
    Legendary Abyssal Saydon Card Lv1
    Vocation: Druids
    Bonus at Level 6: 4% Chance to Summon Monster that Fight's with you for 65 seconds and increase magic level by 9.
    Legendary Abyssal Saydon Card Lv1
    Obtention: Worldbosses.
    Loot chance: 0.8%.
    Legendary Abyssal Essence
    Use the Legendary Essence on the card to upgrade it on the next Level Tier.
    Obtention: WorldBosses

    Can be Upgraded with Legendary Abyssal Essence.
    Obtention: World Bosses.
    Legendary Abyssal Saydon Card Lv2
    Vocation: Druids
    Bonus at Level 6: 4% Chance to Summon Monster that Fight's with you for 65 seconds and increase magic level by 9.
    Legendary Abyssal Saydon Card Lv2
    Obtention: Upgrade.
    Use Legendary Abyssal Essence to upgrade the card.
    Legendary Abyssal Essence
    Use the Legendary Essence on the card to upgrade it on the next Level Tier.
    Obtention: WorldBosses
    Can be Upgraded with Legendary Abyssal Essence.
    Obtention: World Bosses.
    Legendary Abyssal Saydon Card Lv3
    Vocation: Druids
    Bonus at Level 6: 4% Chance to Summon Monster that Fight's with you for 65 seconds and increase magic level by 9.
    Legendary Abyssal Saydon Card Lv3
    Obtention: Upgrade.
    Use Legendary Abyssal Essence to upgrade the card.
    Legendary Abyssal Essence
    Use the Legendary Essence on the card to upgrade it on the next Level Tier.
    Obtention: WorldBosses
    Can be Upgraded with Legendary Abyssal Essence.
    Obtention: World Bosses.
    Legendary Abyssal Saydon Card Lv4
    Vocation: Druids
    Bonus at Level 6: 4% Chance to Summon Monster that Fight's with you for 65 seconds and increase magic level by 9.
    Legendary Abyssal Saydon Card Lv4
    Obtention: Upgrade.
    Use Legendary Abyssal Essence to upgrade the card.
    Legendary Abyssal Essence
    Use the Legendary Essence on the card to upgrade it on the next Level Tier.
    Obtention: WorldBosses
    Can be Upgraded with Legendary Abyssal Essence.
    Obtention: World Bosses.
    Legendary Abyssal Saydon Card Lv5
    Vocation: Druids
    Bonus at Level 6: 4% Chance to Summon Monster that Fight's with you for 65 seconds and increase magic level by 9.
    Legendary Abyssal Saydon Card Lv5
    Obtention: Upgrade.
    Use Legendary Abyssal Essence to upgrade the card.
    Legendary Abyssal Essence
    Use the Legendary Essence on the card to upgrade it on the next Level Tier.
    Obtention: WorldBosses
    Can be Upgraded with Legendary Abyssal Essence.
    Obtention: World Bosses.
    Legendary Abyssal Saydon Card Lv6
    Vocation: Druids
    Bonus at Level 6: 4% Chance to Summon Monster that Fight's with you for 65 seconds and increase magic level by 9.
    Legendary Abyssal Saydon Card Lv6
    Obtention: Upgrade.
    Bonus: 4% Chance to summon a monster that fight's with you during 65 seconds and increase magic level by 9.
    Legendary Ancestral Saydon Card - Druids
    Legendary Ancestral Saydon Card Lv1
    Vocation: Druids
    Bonus at Level 6: 5% Chance to Summon Monster that Fight's with you for 90 seconds and increase magic level by 15.
    Legendary Ancestral Saydon Card Lv1
    Obtention: Worldbosses.
    Loot chance: 0.7%.
    Legendary Ancestral Essence
    Use the Legendary Essence on the card to upgrade it on the next Level Tier.
    Obtention: WorldBosses

    Can be Upgraded with Legendary Ancestral Essence.
    Obtention: World Bosses.
    Legendary Ancestral Saydon Card Lv2
    Vocation: Druids
    Bonus at Level 6: 5% Chance to Summon Monster that Fight's with you for 90 seconds and increase magic level by 15.
    Legendary Ancestral Saydon Card Lv2
    Obtention: Upgrade.
    Use Legendary Ancestral Essence to upgrade the card.
    Legendary Ancestral Essence
    Use the Legendary Essence on the card to upgrade it on the next Level Tier.
    Obtention: WorldBosses
    Can be Upgraded with Legendary Ancestral Essence.
    Obtention: World Bosses.
    Legendary Ancestral Saydon Card Lv3
    Vocation: Druids
    Bonus at Level 6: 5% Chance to Summon Monster that Fight's with you for 90 seconds and increase magic level by 15.
    Legendary Ancestral Saydon Card Lv3
    Obtention: Upgrade.
    Use Legendary Ancestral Essence to upgrade the card.
    Legendary Ancestral Essence
    Use the Legendary Essence on the card to upgrade it on the next Level Tier.
    Obtention: WorldBosses
    Can be Upgraded with Legendary Ancestral Essence.
    Obtention: World Bosses.
    Legendary Ancestral Saydon Card Lv4
    Vocation: Druids
    Bonus at Level 6: 5% Chance to Summon Monster that Fight's with you for 90 seconds and increase magic level by 15.
    Legendary Ancestral Saydon Card Lv4
    Obtention: Upgrade.
    Use Legendary Ancestral Essence to upgrade the card.
    Legendary Ancestral Essence
    Use the Legendary Essence on the card to upgrade it on the next Level Tier.
    Obtention: WorldBosses
    Can be Upgraded with Legendary Ancestral Essence.
    Obtention: World Bosses.
    Legendary Ancestral Saydon Card Lv5
    Vocation: Druids
    Bonus at Level 6: 5% Chance to Summon Monster that Fight's with you for 90 seconds and increase magic level by 15.
    Legendary Ancestral Saydon Card Lv5
    Obtention: Upgrade.
    Use Legendary Ancestral Essence to upgrade the card.
    Legendary Ancestral Essence
    Use the Legendary Essence on the card to upgrade it on the next Level Tier.
    Obtention: WorldBosses
    Can be Upgraded with Legendary Ancestral Essence.
    Obtention: World Bosses.
    Legendary Ancestral Saydon Card Lv6
    Vocation: Druids
    Bonus at Level 6: 5% Chance to Summon Monster that Fight's with you for 90 seconds and increase magic level by 15.
    Legendary Ancestral Saydon Card Lv6
    Obtention: Upgrade.
    Bonus: 5% Chance to summon a monster that fight's with you during 90 seconds and increase magic level by 15.
    Legendary Exotic Vercruze Card - Paladins
    Legendary Exotic Vercruze Card Lv1
    Vocation: Paladins
    Bonus at Level 6: 2% Chance to Summon Monster that Fight's with you for 25 seconds and increase distance skill by 3.
    Legendary Exotic Vercruze Card Lv1
    Obtention: Worldbosses.
    Loot chance: 1%.
    Legendary Exotic Essence
    Use the Legendary Essence on the card to upgrade it on the next Level Tier.
    Obtention: WorldBosses

    Can be Upgraded with Legendary Exotic Essence.
    Obtention: World Bosses.
    Legendary Exotic Vercruze Card Lv2
    Vocation: Paladins
    Bonus at Level 6: 2% Chance to Summon Monster that Fight's with you for 25 seconds and increase distance skill by 3.
    Legendary Exotic Vercruze Card Lv2
    Obtention: Upgrade.
    Use Legendary Exotic Essence to upgrade the card.
    Legendary Exotic Essence
    Use the Legendary Essence on the card to upgrade it on the next Level Tier.
    Obtention: WorldBosses
    Can be Upgraded with Legendary Exotic Essence.
    Obtention: World Bosses.
    Legendary Exotic Vercruze Card Lv3
    Vocation: Paladins
    Bonus at Level 6: 2% Chance to Summon Monster that Fight's with you for 25 seconds and increase distance skill by 3.
    Legendary Exotic Vercruze Card Lv3
    Obtention: Upgrade.
    Use Legendary Exotic Essence to upgrade the card.
    Legendary Exotic Essence
    Use the Legendary Essence on the card to upgrade it on the next Level Tier.
    Obtention: WorldBosses
    Can be Upgraded with Legendary Exotic Essence.
    Obtention: World Bosses.
    Legendary Exotic Vercruze Card Lv4
    Vocation: Paladins
    Bonus at Level 6: 2% Chance to Summon Monster that Fight's with you for 25 seconds and increase distance skill by 3.
    Legendary Exotic Vercruze Card Lv4
    Obtention: Upgrade.
    Use Legendary Exotic Essence to upgrade the card.
    Legendary Exotic Essence
    Use the Legendary Essence on the card to upgrade it on the next Level Tier.
    Obtention: WorldBosses
    Can be Upgraded with Legendary Exotic Essence.
    Obtention: World Bosses.
    Legendary Exotic Vercruze Card Lv5
    Vocation: Paladins
    Bonus at Level 6: 2% Chance to Summon Monster that Fight's with you for 25 seconds and increase distance skill by 3.
    Legendary Exotic Vercruze Card Lv5
    Obtention: Upgrade.
    Use Legendary Exotic Essence to upgrade the card.
    Legendary Exotic Essence
    Use the Legendary Essence on the card to upgrade it on the next Level Tier.
    Obtention: WorldBosses
    Can be Upgraded with Legendary Exotic Essence.
    Obtention: World Bosses.
    Legendary Exotic Vercruze Card Lv6
    Vocation: Paladins
    Bonus: 2% Chance to Summon Monster that Fight's with you for 25 seconds and increase distance skill by 3.
    Legendary Exotic Vercruze Card Lv6
    Obtention: Upgrade.
    Bonus: 2% Chance to summon a monster that fight's with you during 25 seconds and increase distance skill by 3.
    Legendary Chaos Vercruze Card - Paladins
    Legendary Chaos Vercruze Card Lv1
    Vocation: Paladins
    Bonus at Level 6: 3% Chance to Summon Monster that Fight's with you for 45 seconds and increase distance skill by 6.
    Legendary Chaos Vercruze Card Lv1
    Obtention: Worldbosses.
    Loot chance: 0.9%.
    Legendary Chaos Essence
    Use the Legendary Essence on the card to upgrade it on the next Level Tier.
    Obtention: WorldBosses

    Can be Upgraded with Legendary Chaos Essence.
    Obtention: World Bosses.
    Legendary Chaos Vercruze Card Lv2
    Vocation: Paladins
    Bonus at Level 6: 3% Chance to Summon Monster that Fight's with you for 45 seconds and increase distance skill by 6.
    Legendary Chaos Vercruze Card Lv2
    Obtention: Upgrade.
    Use Legendary Chaos Essence to upgrade the card.
    Legendary Chaos Essence
    Use the Legendary Essence on the card to upgrade it on the next Level Tier.
    Obtention: WorldBosses
    Can be Upgraded with Legendary Chaos Essence.
    Obtention: World Bosses.
    Legendary Chaos Vercruze Card Lv3
    Vocation: Paladins
    Bonus at Level 6: 3% Chance to Summon Monster that Fight's with you for 45 seconds and increase distance skill by 6.
    Legendary Chaos Vercruze Card Lv3
    Obtention: Upgrade.
    Use Legendary Chaos Essence to upgrade the card.
    Legendary Chaos Essence
    Use the Legendary Essence on the card to upgrade it on the next Level Tier.
    Obtention: WorldBosses
    Can be Upgraded with Legendary Chaos Essence.
    Obtention: World Bosses.
    Legendary Chaos Vercruze Card Lv4
    Vocation: Paladins
    Bonus at Level 6: 3% Chance to Summon Monster that Fight's with you for 45 seconds and increase distance skill by 6.
    Legendary Chaos Vercruze Card Lv4
    Obtention: Upgrade.
    Use Legendary Chaos Essence to upgrade the card.
    Legendary Chaos Essence
    Use the Legendary Essence on the card to upgrade it on the next Level Tier.
    Obtention: WorldBosses
    Can be Upgraded with Legendary Chaos Essence.
    Obtention: World Bosses.
    Legendary Chaos Vercruze Card Lv5
    Vocation: Paladins
    Bonus at Level 6: 3% Chance to Summon Monster that Fight's with you for 45 seconds and increase distance skill by 6.
    Legendary Chaos Vercruze Card Lv5
    Obtention: Upgrade.
    Use Legendary Chaos Essence to upgrade the card.
    Legendary Chaos Essence
    Use the Legendary Essence on the card to upgrade it on the next Level Tier.
    Obtention: WorldBosses
    Can be Upgraded with Legendary Chaos Essence.
    Obtention: World Bosses.
    Legendary Chaos Vercruze Card Lv6
    Vocation: Paladins
    Bonus at Level 6: 3% Chance to Summon Monster that Fight's with you for 45 seconds and increase distance skill by 6.
    Legendary Chaos Vercruze Card Lv6
    Obtention: Upgrade.
    Bonus: 3% Chance to summon a monster that fight's with you during 45 seconds and increase distance skill by 6.
    Legendary Abyssal Vercruze Card - Paladins
    Legendary Abyssal Vercruze Card Lv1
    Vocation: Paladins
    Bonus at Level 6: 4% Chance to Summon Monster that Fight's with you for 65 seconds and increase distance skill by 9.
    Legendary Abyssal Vercruze Card Lv1
    Obtention: Worldbosses.
    Loot chance: 0.8%.
    Legendary Abyssal Essence
    Use the Legendary Essence on the card to upgrade it on the next Level Tier.
    Obtention: WorldBosses

    Can be Upgraded with Legendary Abyssal Essence.
    Obtention: World Bosses.
    Legendary Abyssal Vercruze Card Lv2
    Vocation: Paladins
    Bonus at Level 6: 4% Chance to Summon Monster that Fight's with you for 65 seconds and increase distance skill by 9.
    Legendary Abyssal Vercruze Card Lv2
    Obtention: Upgrade.
    Use Legendary Abyssal Essence to upgrade the card.
    Legendary Abyssal Essence
    Use the Legendary Essence on the card to upgrade it on the next Level Tier.
    Obtention: WorldBosses
    Can be Upgraded with Legendary Abyssal Essence.
    Obtention: World Bosses.
    Legendary Abyssal Vercruze Card Lv3
    Vocation: Paladins
    Bonus at Level 6: 4% Chance to Summon Monster that Fight's with you for 65 seconds and increase distance skill by 9.
    Legendary Abyssal Vercruze Card Lv3
    Obtention: Upgrade.
    Use Legendary Abyssal Essence to upgrade the card.
    Legendary Abyssal Essence
    Use the Legendary Essence on the card to upgrade it on the next Level Tier.
    Obtention: WorldBosses
    Can be Upgraded with Legendary Abyssal Essence.
    Obtention: World Bosses.
    Legendary Abyssal Vercruze Card Lv4
    Vocation: Paladins
    Bonus at Level 6: 4% Chance to Summon Monster that Fight's with you for 65 seconds and increase distance skill by 9.
    Legendary Abyssal Vercruze Card Lv4
    Obtention: Upgrade.
    Use Legendary Abyssal Essence to upgrade the card.
    Legendary Abyssal Essence
    Use the Legendary Essence on the card to upgrade it on the next Level Tier.
    Obtention: WorldBosses
    Can be Upgraded with Legendary Abyssal Essence.
    Obtention: World Bosses.
    Legendary Abyssal Vercruze Card Lv5
    Vocation: Paladins
    Bonus at Level 6: 4% Chance to Summon Monster that Fight's with you for 65 seconds and increase distance skill by 9.
    Legendary Abyssal Vercruze Card Lv5
    Obtention: Upgrade.
    Use Legendary Abyssal Essence to upgrade the card.
    Legendary Abyssal Essence
    Use the Legendary Essence on the card to upgrade it on the next Level Tier.
    Obtention: WorldBosses
    Can be Upgraded with Legendary Abyssal Essence.
    Obtention: World Bosses.
    Legendary Abyssal Vercruze Card Lv6
    Vocation: Paladins
    Bonus at Level 6: 4% Chance to Summon Monster that Fight's with you for 65 seconds and increase distance skill by 9.
    Legendary Abyssal Vercruze Card Lv6
    Obtention: Upgrade.
    Bonus: 4% Chance to summon a monster that fight's with you during 65 seconds and increase distance skill by 9.
    Legendary Ancestral Vercruze Card - Paladins
    Legendary Ancestral Vercruze Card Lv1
    Vocation: Paladins
    Bonus at Level 6: 5% Chance to Summon Monster that Fight's with you for 90 seconds and increase distance skill by 15.
    Legendary Ancestral Vercruze Card Lv1
    Obtention: Worldbosses.
    Loot chance: 0.7%.
    Legendary Ancestral Essence
    Use the Legendary Essence on the card to upgrade it on the next Level Tier.
    Obtention: WorldBosses

    Can be Upgraded with Legendary Ancestral Essence.
    Obtention: World Bosses.
    Legendary Ancestral Vercruze Card Lv2
    Vocation: Paladins
    Bonus at Level 6: 5% Chance to Summon Monster that Fight's with you for 90 seconds and increase distance skill by 15.
    Legendary Ancestral Vercruze Card Lv2
    Obtention: Upgrade.
    Use Legendary Ancestral Essence to upgrade the card.
    Legendary Ancestral Essence
    Use the Legendary Essence on the card to upgrade it on the next Level Tier.
    Obtention: WorldBosses
    Can be Upgraded with Legendary Ancestral Essence.
    Obtention: World Bosses.
    Legendary Ancestral Vercruze Card Lv3
    Vocation: Paladins
    Bonus at Level 6: 5% Chance to Summon Monster that Fight's with you for 90 seconds and increase distance skill by 15.
    Legendary Ancestral Vercruze Card Lv3
    Obtention: Upgrade.
    Use Legendary Ancestral Essence to upgrade the card.
    Legendary Ancestral Essence
    Use the Legendary Essence on the card to upgrade it on the next Level Tier.
    Obtention: WorldBosses
    Can be Upgraded with Legendary Ancestral Essence.
    Obtention: World Bosses.
    Legendary Ancestral Vercruze Card Lv4
    Vocation: Paladins
    Bonus at Level 6: 5% Chance to Summon Monster that Fight's with you for 90 seconds and increase distance skill by 15.
    Legendary Ancestral Vercruze Card Lv4
    Obtention: Upgrade.
    Use Legendary Ancestral Essence to upgrade the card.
    Legendary Ancestral Essence
    Use the Legendary Essence on the card to upgrade it on the next Level Tier.
    Obtention: WorldBosses
    Can be Upgraded with Legendary Ancestral Essence.
    Obtention: World Bosses.
    Legendary Ancestral Vercruze Card Lv5
    Vocation: Paladins
    Bonus at Level 6: 5% Chance to Summon Monster that Fight's with you for 90 seconds and increase distance skill by 15.
    Legendary Ancestral Vercruze Card Lv5
    Obtention: Upgrade.
    Use Legendary Ancestral Essence to upgrade the card.
    Legendary Ancestral Essence
    Use the Legendary Essence on the card to upgrade it on the next Level Tier.
    Obtention: WorldBosses
    Can be Upgraded with Legendary Ancestral Essence.
    Obtention: World Bosses.
    Legendary Ancestral Vercruze Card Lv6
    Vocation: Paladins
    Bonus at Level 6: 5% Chance to Summon Monster that Fight's with you for 90 seconds and increase distance skill by 15.
    Legendary Ancestral Vercruze Card Lv6
    Obtention: Upgrade.
    Bonus: 5% Chance to summon a monster that fight's with you during 90 seconds and increase distance skill by 15.
    Legendary Exotic Kaiser Card - Knights
    Legendary Exotic Kaiser Card Lv1
    Vocation: Knights
    Bonus at Level 6: 2% Chance to Summon Monster that Fight's with you for 25 seconds and increase melee skill by 3.
    Legendary Exotic Kaiser Card Lv1
    Obtention: Worldbosses.
    Loot chance: 1%.
    Legendary Exotic Essence
    Use the Legendary Essence on the card to upgrade it on the next Level Tier.
    Obtention: WorldBosses

    Can be Upgraded with Legendary Exotic Essence.
    Obtention: World Bosses.
    Legendary Exotic Kaiser Card Lv2
    Vocation: Knights
    Bonus at Level 6: 2% Chance to Summon Monster that Fight's with you for 25 seconds and increase melee skill by 3.
    Legendary Exotic Kaiser Card Lv2
    Obtention: Upgrade.
    Use Legendary Exotic Essence to upgrade the card.
    Legendary Exotic Essence
    Use the Legendary Essence on the card to upgrade it on the next Level Tier.
    Obtention: WorldBosses
    Can be Upgraded with Legendary Exotic Essence.
    Obtention: World Bosses.
    Legendary Exotic Kaiser Card Lv3
    Vocation: Knights
    Bonus at Level 6: 2% Chance to Summon Monster that Fight's with you for 25 seconds and increase melee skill by 3.
    Legendary Exotic Kaiser Card Lv3
    Obtention: Upgrade.
    Use Legendary Exotic Essence to upgrade the card.
    Legendary Exotic Essence
    Use the Legendary Essence on the card to upgrade it on the next Level Tier.
    Obtention: WorldBosses
    Can be Upgraded with Legendary Exotic Essence.
    Obtention: World Bosses.
    Legendary Exotic Kaiser Card Lv4
    Vocation: Knights
    Bonus at Level 6: 2% Chance to Summon Monster that Fight's with you for 25 seconds and increase melee skill by 3.
    Legendary Exotic Kaiser Card Lv4
    Obtention: Upgrade.
    Use Legendary Exotic Essence to upgrade the card.
    Legendary Exotic Essence
    Use the Legendary Essence on the card to upgrade it on the next Level Tier.
    Obtention: WorldBosses
    Can be Upgraded with Legendary Exotic Essence.
    Obtention: World Bosses.
    Legendary Exotic Kaiser Card Lv5
    Vocation: Knights
    Bonus at Level 6: 2% Chance to Summon Monster that Fight's with you for 25 seconds and increase melee skill by 3.
    Legendary Exotic Kaiser Card Lv5
    Obtention: Upgrade.
    Use Legendary Exotic Essence to upgrade the card.
    Legendary Exotic Essence
    Use the Legendary Essence on the card to upgrade it on the next Level Tier.
    Obtention: WorldBosses
    Can be Upgraded with Legendary Exotic Essence.
    Obtention: World Bosses.
    Legendary Exotic Kaiser Card Lv6
    Vocation: Knights
    Bonus: 2% Chance to Summon Monster that Fight's with you for 25 seconds and increase melee skill by 3.
    Legendary Exotic Kaiser Card Lv6
    Obtention: Upgrade.
    Bonus: 2% Chance to summon a monster that fight's with you during 25 seconds and increase melee skill by 3.
    Legendary Chaos Kaiser Card - Knights
    Legendary Chaos Kaiser Card Lv1
    Vocation: Knights
    Bonus at Level 6: 3% Chance to Summon Monster that Fight's with you for 45 seconds and increase melee skill by 6.
    Legendary Chaos Kaiser Card Lv1
    Obtention: Worldbosses.
    Loot chance: 0.9%.
    Legendary Chaos Essence
    Use the Legendary Essence on the card to upgrade it on the next Level Tier.
    Obtention: WorldBosses

    Can be Upgraded with Legendary Chaos Essence.
    Obtention: World Bosses.
    Legendary Chaos Kaiser Card Lv2
    Vocation: Knights
    Bonus at Level 6: 3% Chance to Summon Monster that Fight's with you for 45 seconds and increase melee skill by 6.
    Legendary Chaos Kaiser Card Lv2
    Obtention: Upgrade.
    Use Legendary Chaos Essence to upgrade the card.
    Legendary Chaos Essence
    Use the Legendary Essence on the card to upgrade it on the next Level Tier.
    Obtention: WorldBosses
    Can be Upgraded with Legendary Chaos Essence.
    Obtention: World Bosses.
    Legendary Chaos Kaiser Card Lv3
    Vocation: Knights
    Bonus at Level 6: 3% Chance to Summon Monster that Fight's with you for 45 seconds and increase melee skill by 6.
    Legendary Chaos Kaiser Card Lv3
    Obtention: Upgrade.
    Use Legendary Chaos Essence to upgrade the card.
    Legendary Chaos Essence
    Use the Legendary Essence on the card to upgrade it on the next Level Tier.
    Obtention: WorldBosses
    Can be Upgraded with Legendary Chaos Essence.
    Obtention: World Bosses.
    Legendary Chaos Kaiser Card Lv4
    Vocation: Knights
    Bonus at Level 6: 3% Chance to Summon Monster that Fight's with you for 45 seconds and increase melee skill by 6.
    Legendary Chaos Kaiser Card Lv4
    Obtention: Upgrade.
    Use Legendary Chaos Essence to upgrade the card.
    Legendary Chaos Essence
    Use the Legendary Essence on the card to upgrade it on the next Level Tier.
    Obtention: WorldBosses
    Can be Upgraded with Legendary Chaos Essence.
    Obtention: World Bosses.
    Legendary Chaos Kaiser Card Lv5
    Vocation: Knights
    Bonus at Level 6: 3% Chance to Summon Monster that Fight's with you for 45 seconds and increase melee skill by 6.
    Legendary Chaos Kaiser Card Lv5
    Obtention: Upgrade.
    Use Legendary Chaos Essence to upgrade the card.
    Legendary Chaos Essence
    Use the Legendary Essence on the card to upgrade it on the next Level Tier.
    Obtention: WorldBosses
    Can be Upgraded with Legendary Chaos Essence.
    Obtention: World Bosses.
    Legendary Chaos Kaiser Card Lv6
    Vocation: Knights
    Bonus at Level 6: 3% Chance to Summon Monster that Fight's with you for 45 seconds and increase melee skill by 6.
    Legendary Chaos Kaiser Card Lv6
    Obtention: Upgrade.
    Bonus: 3% Chance to summon a monster that fight's with you during 45 seconds and increase melee skill by 6.
    Legendary Abyssal Kaiser Card - Knights
    Legendary Abyssal Kaiser Card Lv1
    Vocation: Knights
    Bonus at Level 6: 4% Chance to Summon Monster that Fight's with you for 65 seconds and increase melee skill by 9.
    Legendary Abyssal Kaiser Card Lv1
    Obtention: Worldbosses.
    Loot chance: 0.8%.
    Legendary Abyssal Essence
    Use the Legendary Essence on the card to upgrade it on the next Level Tier.
    Obtention: WorldBosses

    Can be Upgraded with Legendary Abyssal Essence.
    Obtention: World Bosses.
    Legendary Abyssal Kaiser Card Lv2
    Vocation: Knights
    Bonus at Level 6: 4% Chance to Summon Monster that Fight's with you for 65 seconds and increase melee skill by 9.
    Legendary Abyssal Kaiser Card Lv2
    Obtention: Upgrade.
    Use Legendary Abyssal Essence to upgrade the card.
    Legendary Abyssal Essence
    Use the Legendary Essence on the card to upgrade it on the next Level Tier.
    Obtention: WorldBosses
    Can be Upgraded with Legendary Abyssal Essence.
    Obtention: World Bosses.
    Legendary Abyssal Kaiser Card Lv3
    Vocation: Knights
    Bonus at Level 6: 4% Chance to Summon Monster that Fight's with you for 65 seconds and increase melee skill by 9.
    Legendary Abyssal Kaiser Card Lv3
    Obtention: Upgrade.
    Use Legendary Abyssal Essence to upgrade the card.
    Legendary Abyssal Essence
    Use the Legendary Essence on the card to upgrade it on the next Level Tier.
    Obtention: WorldBosses
    Can be Upgraded with Legendary Abyssal Essence.
    Obtention: World Bosses.
    Legendary Abyssal Kaiser Card Lv4
    Vocation: Knights
    Bonus at Level 6: 4% Chance to Summon Monster that Fight's with you for 65 seconds and increase melee skill by 9.
    Legendary Abyssal Kaiser Card Lv4
    Obtention: Upgrade.
    Use Legendary Abyssal Essence to upgrade the card.
    Legendary Abyssal Essence
    Use the Legendary Essence on the card to upgrade it on the next Level Tier.
    Obtention: WorldBosses
    Can be Upgraded with Legendary Abyssal Essence.
    Obtention: World Bosses.
    Legendary Abyssal Kaiser Card Lv5
    Vocation: Knights
    Bonus at Level 6: 4% Chance to Summon Monster that Fight's with you for 65 seconds and increase melee skill by 9.
    Legendary Abyssal Kaiser Card Lv5
    Obtention: Upgrade.
    Use Legendary Abyssal Essence to upgrade the card.
    Legendary Abyssal Essence
    Use the Legendary Essence on the card to upgrade it on the next Level Tier.
    Obtention: WorldBosses
    Can be Upgraded with Legendary Abyssal Essence.
    Obtention: World Bosses.
    Legendary Abyssal Kaiser Card Lv6
    Vocation: Knights
    Bonus at Level 6: 4% Chance to Summon Monster that Fight's with you for 65 seconds and increase melee skill by 9.
    Legendary Abyssal Kaiser Card Lv6
    Obtention: Upgrade.
    Bonus: 4% Chance to summon a monster that fight's with you during 65 seconds and increase melee skill by 9.
    Legendary Ancestral Kaiser Card - Knights
    Legendary Ancestral Kaiser Card Lv1
    Vocation: Knights
    Bonus at Level 6: 5% Chance to Summon Monster that Fight's with you for 90 seconds and increase melee skill by 15.
    Legendary Ancestral Kaiser Card Lv1
    Obtention: Worldbosses.
    Loot chance: 0.7%.
    Legendary Ancestral Essence
    Use the Legendary Essence on the card to upgrade it on the next Level Tier.
    Obtention: WorldBosses

    Can be Upgraded with Legendary Ancestral Essence.
    Obtention: World Bosses.
    Legendary Ancestral Kaiser Card Lv2
    Vocation: Knights
    Bonus at Level 6: 5% Chance to Summon Monster that Fight's with you for 90 seconds and increase melee skill by 15.
    Legendary Ancestral Kaiser Card Lv2
    Obtention: Upgrade.
    Use Legendary Ancestral Essence to upgrade the card.
    Legendary Ancestral Essence
    Use the Legendary Essence on the card to upgrade it on the next Level Tier.
    Obtention: WorldBosses
    Can be Upgraded with Legendary Ancestral Essence.
    Obtention: World Bosses.
    Legendary Ancestral Kaiser Card Lv3
    Vocation: Knights
    Bonus at Level 6: 5% Chance to Summon Monster that Fight's with you for 90 seconds and increase melee skill by 15.
    Legendary Ancestral Kaiser Card Lv3
    Obtention: Upgrade.
    Use Legendary Ancestral Essence to upgrade the card.
    Legendary Ancestral Essence
    Use the Legendary Essence on the card to upgrade it on the next Level Tier.
    Obtention: WorldBosses
    Can be Upgraded with Legendary Ancestral Essence.
    Obtention: World Bosses.
    Legendary Ancestral Kaiser Card Lv4
    Vocation: Knights
    Bonus at Level 6: 5% Chance to Summon Monster that Fight's with you for 90 seconds and increase melee skill by 15.
    Legendary Ancestral Kaiser Card Lv4
    Obtention: Upgrade.
    Use Legendary Ancestral Essence to upgrade the card.
    Legendary Ancestral Essence
    Use the Legendary Essence on the card to upgrade it on the next Level Tier.
    Obtention: WorldBosses
    Can be Upgraded with Legendary Ancestral Essence.
    Obtention: World Bosses.
    Legendary Ancestral Kaiser Card Lv5
    Vocation: Knights
    Bonus at Level 6: 5% Chance to Summon Monster that Fight's with you for 90 seconds and increase melee skill by 15.
    Legendary Ancestral Kaiser Card Lv5
    Obtention: Upgrade.
    Use Legendary Ancestral Essence to upgrade the card.
    Legendary Ancestral Essence
    Use the Legendary Essence on the card to upgrade it on the next Level Tier.
    Obtention: WorldBosses
    Can be Upgraded with Legendary Ancestral Essence.
    Obtention: World Bosses.
    Legendary Ancestral Kaiser Card Lv6
    Vocation: Knights
    Bonus at Level 6: 5% Chance to Summon Monster that Fight's with you for 90 seconds and increase melee skill by 15.
    Legendary Ancestral Kaiser Card Lv6
    Obtention: Upgrade.
    Bonus: 5% Chance to summon a monster that fight's with you during 90 seconds and increase melee skill by 15.