
Ancestral System: Tasks, Points, Rank, Store and more !
Ancestral System is based on tasks, complete tasks with npc Armin available on each city and earn Ancestral Points to spend on Ancestral Store, but also Ancestral Rank Points to grow your Ancestral Ranking.
Ancestral Points are adquired doing Tasks, each task give different amount of Ancestral Rank Points.

Slowly will come many things attached to the Ancestral System, so keep an eye on the wiki!

You can check your status on Ancestral System using the command !Ancestral you will see your Ranking, Points, and Tasks that you have accepted, current statuts, etc.

Ancestral Store:
Ancestral Store can be opened in game pressing you will find a store.

Ancestral Ranks:
Doing Tasks for Armin you will earn Ancestral Rank Points this points will upgrade your ranking depeding your points, see the table below.

You can check the Rank for every player doing a double click on the character.

Ranking Name Ancestral Rank Points
Rookie 1 - 40
Bronze 41 - 100
Silver 101 - 250
Gold 251 - 470
Platinum 471 - 770
Diamond 771 - 1220
Ancestral 1221 - 1820
Mystic 1821 - 2820
Abyssal 2821 - 4320
Ascending 4321 - 6320
Chaos 6321 - 9999
Awakening 10000+

Ancestral Tasks
Normal Ancestral Task List

Ask to Armin to see the list, you will find a list of Normal Tasks that can be repeated, to start a task say the name of the Task.

Daily Ancestral Task List

Ask to Armin to see the daily list, you will find a list of Daily Tasks that can be done only per day, to start a task say the name of the Task.